
Company News


Release time:2024年10月15日

近日,Beijing SANDI Technology Co.旗下欣鑫铸造采用3DP砂型铸造,为能源动力领域用户成功交付了一体成型的超大尺寸铝合金铸件,该铸件直径达2.5米,重达1吨。这么大尺寸的铸件,采用传统铸造方式通常需要60天左右的时间才能完成,而欣鑫铸造仅用了40天即完成交付。


aerospace,船舶,汽车(新能源),Energy power(电气)等领域具有广泛的大尺寸铸件制造需求,且对产品的性能和制造周期要求严格。三帝科技3D Casting工艺,已为众多用户提供了大尺寸铸件的定制化解决方案。为航空航天领域用户制造了传统工艺难以完成的薄壁、曲面及大平面复杂结构的动力装置部件;为能源动力领域用户提供了气密性要求极高的密闭壳体;为新能源汽车领域用户高效交付了复杂曲面结构副车架铸件、内壁带有复杂螺旋水道的电机壳铸件等产品。


3D Printing Technology, Inc. is a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, a national "specialization, specialization and innovation" small giant enterprise, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology additive manufacturing typical application scenarios supplier. At the same time has laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials research and development and production, metal parts rapid manufacturing services, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., to establish a complete 3D printing additive manufacturing industry chain, widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C, electronics, education and research, sculpture, culture and creativity. electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical industries.
