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北京三帝科技股份有限公司专注于3D打印装备与快速制造服务,是国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业,工信部增材制造典型应用场景供应商The同时拥有激光和粘结剂喷射3D打印设备和材料技术及应用工艺,产品技术主要用于赋能铸造产业及MIM产业。业务涵盖3D打印装备的研发及生产、3D打印原材料的研发及生产,3D打印工艺技术支持服务、快速成品件制造服务等,建立了完整的3D打印快速制造产业链。(咨询热线:韩经理 13811566237)









Application Cases





Application Cases





Application Cases



















  1. 设备稳定可靠,经市场验证:30年铺粉技术经验,设备稳定可靠,经市场验证,部分用户采购的3D打印机已成功稳定运行超过20年;
  2. 国内唯一,同时掌握“3DP+SLS+BJ+SLM”工艺:拥有工信部增材制造典型应用场景——“3DP+SLS”复合砂型工艺;
  3. 实操培训,包教包会:通过旗下多个3D制造中心提供全面的工艺指导、设备培训等;
  4. 全国售后服务,及时响应:通过旗下多个3D制造中心提供及时的就近售后服务,确保快速响应;
  5. 市场协同,资源共享:助力客户拓展业务机会,增强市场竞争力。


Industry Applications

Automotive (fuel/new energy)
Industrial machinery/marine pumps and valves

咨询热线:韩经理 13811566237


图片来自:Colibrium Additive / GKN Additive

国际大厂看好BJ技术的市场潜力,纷纷入局。GE通用电气自2016年开始布局BJ技术,后旗下Colibrium Additive推出Series 3金属粘结剂喷射系统。与汽车制造商合作生产轻量化、高性能的汽车零部件,提升整车性能。HP惠普基于热喷墨(TIJ)专业经验,于2018年推出HP Metal Jet技术,并在4年后推出HP Metal Jet S100金属打印解决方案。GKN Additive采用HP Metal Jet技术进行汽车和工业零部件的批量生产,MIM行业领导者Parmatech采用HP Metal Jet技术用于复杂形状的精密手术工具的制造。













3D Printing Technology, Inc. is a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, a national "specialization, specialization and innovation" small giant enterprise, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology additive manufacturing typical application scenarios supplier. At the same time has laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials research and development and production, metal parts rapid manufacturing services, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., to establish a complete 3D printing additive manufacturing industry chain, widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C, electronics, education and research, sculpture, culture and creativity. electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical industries.    












国家高度重视铸造产业的发展,出台了一系列相关政策,如“十四五”规划中明确了铸造行业数字化转型发展的目标,包括到2025年采用3D打印技术生产的铸件超过50万吨等 。这些政策为铸造产业集群的发展提供了有力支持,引导产业集群向高端化、智能化、绿色化方向发展,推动了产业结构的优化升级,提升了集群的整体竞争力.


一些知名的铸造产业集群已经形成了区域品牌效应,如泊头的“中国铸造名城”、焦作的气缸套、“含山铸造”、“林州铸造”等 。这些区域品牌在市场上具有较高的知名度和美誉度,能够吸引更多的客户和资源,为集群内的企业带来了更多的发展机遇。同时,区域品牌的建设也促使企业更加注重产品质量和品牌形象,加强了企业间的合作与自律,有利于维护集群的整体利益和市场秩序.


这些集群在长期发展过程中,积累了丰富的生产经验和产业资源,但同时也面临着传统铸造工艺带来的高能耗、高污染以及资源浪费等问题。据统计,传统铸造工艺在材料利用率方面存在较大提升空间,且能源消耗强度较高,这不仅增加了企业的生产成本,也对环境造成了较大压力,与我国双碳目标的实现存在一定矛盾 。




• 生产周期大幅缩短:某公司采用“3D+”铸造工艺后,生产周期缩短60%以上,如组芯压缩机内气缸的生产周期从48天缩短至12天,L型床身从45天缩短至15天。

• 产能显著提升:“3D+”铸造工艺产能提升50%,效率翻番,能快速响应市场需求,提高企业竞争力。

• 快速原型制作:砂型3D打印技术可在短时间内制作复杂砂型,快速完成原型部件制作,如某新能源车企试制商卡水冷电机壳,采用3DP砂型打印10天即交付,相比传统工艺60天的制作周期缩短了83%。


• 材料浪费减少:3D打印按需制造,支撑砂在线回收,砂子利用率可达95%以上,减少了传统制模过程中的原材料浪费。

• 粉尘污染降低:三帝科技砂型3D打印设备在生产过程中能有效减少粉尘产生,配合再生砂等环保材料,助力铸造厂实现绿色制造。


• 模具成本降低:传统铸造中,仪表板模具成本70万-100万元,保险杠模具35万-70万元,发动机部件模具15万-60万元甚至更高,而3D打印砂模成本低,设计修改灵活,无需昂贵模具制造费用。

• 人力成本减少:3D打印过程自动化,减少了对人工操作的依赖及人为错误,降低了人力成本,如三帝科技3D打印设备只需简单培训即可操作,无需大量人力协同。

• 能源消耗降低:3DP打印工艺3D 打印技术能耗比砂芯制造和注塑设备较低。与注塑成型相比,3DP打印砂型是通过喷头喷出粘结剂将砂子粘结成型,无需像注塑成型那样对材料进行长时间的加热熔融等过程,所以能耗大幅降低。与3DP打印砂型相比,传统砂芯制造中的热芯盒法制芯,需使芯盒保持在200℃-300℃,让芯砂射入芯盒中后,氯化铵在较高温度下与树脂中的游离甲醛反应生成酸,从而使型芯很快硬化,此过程能耗多。而3DP打印砂型过程中,砂子无需加热到如此高温,且设备本身能耗相对较低。



在此背景下,3D Printing Technology, Inc.的探索实践为行业发展提供了有益借鉴。三帝科技通过收购6家传统铸造厂,引入3D打印技术推动其转型升级,成效显著。在生产环节,3D打印技术的精准特性大幅提高了材料利用率,有效降低了原材料从开采到加工各环节的碳排放,减少了对环境的影响,这对于我国铸造产业降低资源消耗强度、提高资源利用效率具有重要示范意义,与国家相关部门推动各行业绿色发展、优化产业结构的政策方向高度契合 。

从能源消耗角度分析,传统铸造过程中的反复加工和修正工序导致能源消耗量大,而3D打印辅助铸造则简化了生产流程,降低了能源需求。国家一直致力于能源领域的改革与发展,出台了一系列提高能源利用效率和推广清洁能源应用的政策措施。铸造企业采用3D打印技术后,能够更好地与这些能源政策协同,例如引入节能型3D打印铸造设备,并结合清洁能源供电,进一步降低碳排放,助力铸造行业能源结构的绿色优化,为实现双碳目标下能源消耗总量和强度“双控”发挥积极作用 。

在技术创新推动方面,我国制造业的发展离不开新兴技术在传统产业中的深度应用与融合创新。国家在“十四五”期间,工信部等部门已印发《关于推动铸造和锻压行业高质量发展的指导意见》,为行业发展指明方向,如推动智能化改造,打造智能制造示范工厂;助力绿色发展,调整产能置换政策;支持优质企业发展,培育专精特新“小巨人”和制造业单项冠军;发展产业集群,培育铸造特色产业集群等 。对于3D打印+铸造这一创新模式,国家相关部门高度重视,应在研发投入、人才培养和技术推广等方面加大政策扶持力度,延续并深化“十四五”的发展策略到“十五五”规划及以后阶段。通过设立专项研发基金,鼓励高校、科研机构与企业开展产学研深度合作,联合攻克技术难题,加速绿色铸造技术的成熟与应用普及,提升我国铸造产业的整体技术水平,增强在国际市场上的低碳竞争力,以技术创新驱动产业高质量发展,实现从铸造大国向铸造强国的转变,而专精特新“小巨人”三帝科技的实践成果也为政策的精准实施和优化提供了现实参考 。

从产业集群发展视角出发,国家相关部门可充分发挥我国制造业集群优势,引导建立3D打印+铸造的绿色产业园区。以三帝科技收购的铸造厂及其所在的产业集群为基础,吸引上下游相关企业入驻园区,形成完整的绿色产业链生态。在园区内集中配置完善的基础设施与环保配套设施,实现废弃物的集中处理和循环利用,构建绿色产业链闭环。企业间通过共享3D打印技术资源、能源管理系统等,能够有效降低整体运营成本和碳排放,同时便于统一监管和推广绿色铸造标准,促进产业集群内企业的绿色低碳协同发展,打造成为双碳目标下我国传统铸造产业绿色转型的示范样本,以点带面推动全国铸造行业的全面绿色变革,为我国实现碳达峰、碳中和目标提供坚实的产业支撑和有力的政策实践范例,进一步彰显我国在全球绿色制造领域的引领地位和大国担当 。

Recently, Yunnan South Asia Southeast Asia Security Research Center ("Yunnan South Asia Southeast Asia Security Research Center"), Yunnan Cross-border Data Technology Development Co,Beijing SANDI Technology Co.("SANDI") officially signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on additive manufacturing foreign data security, the three parties will focus on Yunnan Dianzhong New Area in digital additive manufacturing, 3D printing foreign data, foreign data talent training and research, 3D printing foreign data security certification and other in-depth cooperation.

China has made remarkable progress in the field of additive manufacturing, especially in terms of exports, and has become one of the world's major suppliers of additive manufacturing products and services. However, with the development of technology and the intensification of international competition, foreign-related data security has become an important issue. In the context of globalization, countries need to protect key technologies and data security as well as promote international cooperation and technological innovation. By establishing multilateral mechanisms and international standards, cross-border data flows can be better managed to ensure the healthy development of additive manufacturing technologies.

The signing of the strategic cooperation between Yunnan South Asia Southeast Asia An Research Center, Yunnan Cross-border Digital Technology and SANTI Technology is an important initiative of the three parties to promote the development of Yunnan Province into a key node of China's radiation center facing South Asia Southeast Asia, an important economic driver for the construction of Yunnan Bridgehead, a model region for the experiment of the comprehensive construction of new urbanization in the western region and an advanced demonstration zone for reform and innovation, in accordance with the principles of complementarity of strengths and resources, synergistic development, and mutual benefit. It is an important initiative to develop Yunnan Province into a key node of China's radiation center facing South Asia and Southeast Asia, an important economic driving force for the construction of Yunnan Bridgehead, a model region for the comprehensive experiment on the construction of a new type of urbanization in the western region, and an early demonstration zone for reform and innovation.

Yunnan Security Research Center for South and Southeast Asia mainly carries out research on topics related to national security and overseas interest protection for South and Southeast Asia, analysis and research on security of security information technology products and systems, research on SWSJ security policies, standards, technologies and assessment methods, research and development of information technology and cybersecurity technologies, research and consulting services for planning industrial security projects and topics.

Based in Yunnan and facing the whole country, Yunnan Cross-border Data Technology Development Co., Ltd. is committed to promoting the development of foreign-related data security applications, and providing safe and efficient foreign-related data security services for the global operation of China's industries and enterprises, the national Belt and Road and the construction of Yunnan Digital Economy Demonstration Zone facing South Asia and Southeast Asia. By guaranteeing the safe implementation of the national strategy for South Asia and Southeast Asia, it realizes the effective protection of the overseas interests of the country, industries and enterprises.

Ltd. is a leading provider of 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing services, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials, R & D and production, rapid manufacturing services for finished metal parts, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., which are widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C electronics, education and research, sculpture and cultural and creative, Rehabilitation and medical industries.

Investment casting, i.e. lost wax casting technology, occupies an important position in modern industrial manufacturing. With the unique advantage of less cutting or even no cutting, this technology is widely used in the precision casting of all kinds of alloys, especially in the dimensional accuracy and surface quality. From precision instruments to complex large-scale mechanical components, investment casting technology can meet the demand for high-precision, high-quality castings in various industries, and become the key to improve product quality and production efficiency. Its core competitiveness lies in its high-precision wax mold making capability and highly customized solutions. Through precise mold design and production process, it ensures the dimensional accuracy and shape consistency of the wax molds, providing a solid guarantee for the subsequent casting process.

Investment casting technologyNot only is it suitable for a wide range of casting metals, but it also demonstrates strong customization capabilities due to the flexibility of its wax modeling process, which further broadens the range of applications. InAerospace, manufacturing lightweight, high-precision parts to safeguard aircraft safety and performance; in theAutomotiveIn the field of industrial automation, it is used to manufacture key components of robots, precision instruments and equipment to ensure their performance and stability. In addition, the technology is also widely used in machinery manufacturing, energy power, rail transportation, sculpture, culture and creativity and other fields, for complex structures, large-size thin-walled products such as manufacturing.

However, this traditional process also faces the challenges of low productivity, high costs and high technical thresholds, especially in industries that require rapid market response or where cost control is particularly stringent.    


(hereinafter referred to as “3DPTEK”), a leading provider of 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing services in China, has independently developed and launched a series of 3DP wax printing equipment and material process, which is specially designed for industrial investment casting, and can realize low-cost and high-efficiency precision casting.           

Based on the BJ binder jet molding technology, 3DP wax printing from 3DPTEK TECHNOLOGY can achieve processing speeds far exceeding those of laser molding, significantly shortening the processing cycle time and reducing material costs. At the same time, production efficiency is further enhanced by eliminating the need for mold opening and support structures. As a cold process molding technology, warping and deformation are effectively avoided during the molding process, reducing the complexity and time cost of subsequent processing.    

Figure: 3DP Wax Mold Printing Precision Casting

3DPTEK 3DP wax printer 3DPTEK-J400/J800 has a molding accuracy of up to 800DPI and a minimum wall thickness of up to 1.5mm.The self-developed PMX crystalline wax material has a strong vanishing property and a very low ash content, which is extremely beneficial to the pouring process, and is able to significantly reduce the casting defects and enhance the yield rate, while at the same time reducing the pollution and realizing the green casting. It has already realized its application in the investment casting industry and shows great potential.           

In the country vigorously advocate the casting industry to move towards digitalization, intelligence, green development, 3DP wax precision casting process is undoubtedly the emergence of those who are looking for technological innovation, transformation and upgrading of the traditional precision casting enterprises to provide a direction.           


3D Printing Technology, Inc. is a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, a national "specialization, specialization and innovation" small giant enterprise, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology additive manufacturing typical application scenarios supplier. At the same time has laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials research and development and production, metal parts rapid manufacturing services, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., to establish a complete 3D printing additive manufacturing industry chain, widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C, electronics, education and research, sculpture, culture and creativity. electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical industries.  

(hereinafter referred to as "SANDI") announced that it had completed the merger and acquisition of Henan Zhonghongtong Nonferrous Metal Casting Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Zhonghongtong"). The merger not only marks the completion of SANDI's business in3D CastingempowerHigh voltage electrical fieldIt is an important layout of the company's commitment to 3D digital technology to help upgrade the manufacturing industry.

SANDI is a leading provider of 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing services in China, a national "Specialized, Specialized, Specialized and New" small giant enterprise, and a typical application scenario supplier of additive manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The company has laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials research and development and production, rapid manufacturing services for finished metal parts, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., and has established a complete 3D printing rapid manufacturing industry chain. Our products and services are widely used in aerospace, automotive, energy and power, industrial machinery, ship pumps and valves, rail transportation, 3C electronics, education and research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical industries.

Zhonghongtong is one of the leading enterprises in the high-voltage power transmission cast aluminum shell industry, national high-tech enterprise, provincial speciality enterprise, specializing in the research and development of large aluminum alloy castings and manufacturing, is an excellent supplier and long-term strategic partner of Pinggao Group, and is also the only supplier of GIS shells in China for South Korea LS, South Korea Nissin and so on. The company has strong independent research and development capabilities, with product design, mold design, casting process parameter design, core making, melting, casting, heat treatment, finishing, testing and product form test and other integrated production and processing capabilities, as well as the R & D and manufacturing capabilities of ultra-large shaped aluminum alloy castings, which can achieve an annual production capacity of 5,000 tons of high-end aluminum alloy parts for intelligent manufacturing. The core products are widely used in ultra-large voltage power transmission, rail transportation, aerospace, new energy and other fields. Among them, high-voltage power transmission cast aluminum products play an important role in famous power transmission projects at home and abroad, such as Baihetan Hydropower Station and ultra-high voltage power transmission network.

The strong combination of SANDI and Zhonghongtong not only combines SANDI's 3D digital technology advantages with Zhonghongtong's professional manufacturing capabilities in the field of high-voltage electrics, but also is a deep integration of the two sides in technological innovation and market expansion. Through this merger and acquisition, SANDI will be able to further expand its application in the field of high-voltage electrics, enhance the production and service capacity of large-size casting products, and at the same time will bring more powerful technical support and broader market prospects for Zhonghongtong.

Dr. Zong Guisheng, Chairman of SANDI Technology, said, "This acquisition is an important step in the strategic development of SANDI Technology, which not only provides a new growth point for our development in the field of high voltage electrics, but is also an important addition to SANDI Technology's 3D casting capability. Through the 3D casting centers in Pingdingshan, Henan, Xianyang, Shaanxi, Daming, Hebei, Rizhao, Shandong, Tongling, Anhui, and Yulin, Guangxi, we are able to better create value for our customers. We also look forward to the cooperation with Zhonghongtong to bring more innovations to both parties and jointly promote the industrialized application of 3D printing technology."

Qi Hongzhao, general manager of Zhonghongtong, also expressed positive confidence in the cooperation: "Through the cooperation with SANDI Technology, it enables us to take advantage of SANDI Technology's advanced technology and resources to further improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, improve product quality and yield, establish green, intelligent, high-end production and service capabilities, and expand Zhonghongtong's design and manufacturing capacity in high-end complex aluminum castings design and manufacturing capabilities in terms of aluminum castings, bringing more development opportunities for the company."

Nowadays, 3D casting solutions of SANDI Technology are continuing to empower various fields. In the aerospace field, 3D casting technology is used to manufacture engine parts, spacecraft structural parts, power units and other important parts, can effectively solve the oversized, multi-dimensional surfaces, complex structure of the workpiece molding problems in small quantities of large-size mold manufacturing as well as special industry mold iterative upgrading of research and development on the advantages of the traditional manufacturing process can not be compared. In the field of energy and power, 3D casting technology is used in the manufacture of large-size pressure-resistant complex cavity structure, large-size thin-walled lightweight parts. In the automotive field, 3D casting technology can be realized with a complex spiral cooling waterway large size thin-walled motor shell, lightweight frame, complex cavity structure shell cylinder/cylinder head and other products manufacturing.

(hereinafter referred to as "SANDI") delivered the SLS constituent laser sintering casting wax 3D printer to a famous Italian art foundry.LaserCore-5300Successful acceptance, SANDY Technology with excellent technical strength and professional and efficient service, won the customer's high recognition and praise. The successful delivery of this overseas project is not only the embodiment of SANDI's overseas market expansion strength and product technology capability, but also opens up a broader space for the application of 3D printing technology in the field of sculpture casting.           

          This project from the start to the design and development, and then to the installation and commissioning, each link has condensed the SANDI team's efforts and wisdom, showing the company's ultimate pursuit of quality. It is understood that at the beginning of the cooperation, SANDI Technology quickly responded to the customer's demand for printing large-size thin-walled cavity samples, only 13 hours to complete the printing, printing the completed samples of high precision, fine and clear surface texture, to obtain a high degree of customer recognition, and successfully reached the cooperation of the equipment. After the equipment design and production was completed, the professional technical team of SANDI went to Italy to complete the assembly and debugging, and provided professional technical training for the customer to help the customer quickly master the use of the equipment and maximize the value of the product.               

          The SLS selective laser sintering 3D printer delivered this time is independently developed and produced based on the company's 30 years of experience in powder laying technology, and its performance and process are at the international leading level. The equipment integrates high-precision laser processing, dynamic focusing, precision motion control, etc. The printed sand pattern has high precision and strength, which is suitable for the manufacture of complex pipeline and oil pipeline structure products, and the printed wax pattern has high precision, which is suitable for the manufacture of thin-walled and complex structure products. This series of equipments are stable and reliable in operation and have been proven in the market for a long time. They have provided solutions for more than a hundred domestic and foreign customers and have been widely praised and recognized.               

With the acceleration of globalization, SANDI Technology is accelerating the layout of overseas market as an important development direction. Relying on the synergistic innovation system of "National Thousand Science and Technology Research Institute, postdoctoral workstation and enterprise R&D team", the company has gathered several doctors and a team of foreign professionals to break through the key technology, optimize the product performance and improve the service system. At present, the product and service network of SANDI has covered the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and other countries and regions, to provide excellent products and services to global customers with a global vision and international standards.           

(3D Printing Technology, Inc.) is a leading provider of 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing services in China, a national "specialized, special and new" small giant enterprise, and a typical application scenario supplier of additive manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. With the comprehensive capabilities of laser and binder jet 3D printing technology and material research and development, equipment manufacturing, finished metal parts manufacturing and process technology support, the company has established a complete 3D printing rapid manufacturing industry chain. Its products and services are widely used in many fields such as aerospace, automotive, energy power, ship pump valve, industrial machinery, sculpture and cultural creation.

Recently, the China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF) and the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME) announced the2024 Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award WinnersThe University of Science and Technology Beijing, together with Beijing SANDI Technology Co. (hereinafter referred to as "SANDI"), jointly declared by the University of Science and Technology Beijing and Beijing SANDI Technology Co.High Efficiency Preparation Technology and Equipment for SLM Materials Based on Gradient Powder SpreadingProject, honored withSecond Prize of "Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award"The members of the project team areZhang Baicheng, Qu Xuanhui, Chen Qingwen, Zhang Lin, Wen Yaojie, Liu MinThe

The Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award is a comprehensive science and technology award in the national machinery industry jointly established by the China Machinery Industry Federation and the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.In the year of 2024, a total of 430 projects were awarded with "Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award", among which, 5 projects were awarded with the Grand Prize, 40 projects with the First Prize, 197 projects with the Second Prize and 188 projects with the Third Prize. This award is a full affirmation and recognition of the company's scientific and technological innovation ability.

Figure: Gradient Metal Parts 316L-CuSn10; 1.2709-316L

The award-winning program presents "High-efficiency preparation of SLM materials based on gradient spreading of powder"New ideas, developedHigh-efficiency preparation of multi-phase continuous gradient SLM materials, realizing stable layup of two/multi-phase full-scale continuous gradient powder layers, which helps to enhance the technological level of efficient material preparation in China.

As a leading domestic3D Printing Equipment and Additive Manufacturing Service ProviderSANDI Technology has independently developed the gradient metalAFS-M120X(T)Multi-material gradient metal with increase or decrease in materialAFS-M300XASetc.; in which multi-material increase/decrease material gradient metalAFS-M300XASsuitable forResearch and development of properties of composite metal materials with gradients of up to four materials, continuous gradient changes in the horizontal direction, and material composition switching or gradient changes in the vertical direction.It lowers the threshold of gradient composite material preparation process, reduces the loss of powder raw materials and improves the efficiency of research and development. It has a broad application prospect in the development of new materials in high throughput material preparation, aerospace, automotive, medical, mold processing and other fields. At present, SANDI has cooperated with many research institutes such as University of Science and Technology Beijing, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Lanzhou University of Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute, Shenyang Institute of Automation, etc., to continuously provide advanced, reliable and practical solutions for gradient functional metal materials.


3D Printing Technology, Inc. is a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, a national "specialization, specialization and innovation" small giant enterprise, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology additive manufacturing typical application scenarios supplier. At the same time has laser and binder jet 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, business covers 3D printing equipment, raw materials research and development and production, metal parts rapid manufacturing services, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., to establish a complete 3D printing additive manufacturing industry chain, widely used in aerospace, ship pumps and valves, automotive, energy power, industrial machinery, rail transportation, 3C, electronics, education and research, sculpture, culture and creativity. electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical industries.

On October 26, 2024, sponsored by the World Foundry Organization (WFO) and organized by the Foundry Branch of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, theThe 75th World Foundry Conference and 2024 International Foundry ExhibitionIn "China's heavy equipment capital" Sichuan Deyang Wende International Convention and Exhibition Center opened, more than a hundred well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises on the same stage to show the global casting field of innovative technologies and products, more than a thousand experts and scholars gathered to talk about the development of the global casting industry. The leading provider of 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing services in China.Beijing SANDI Technology Co.hold (hands)3D Casting SolutionsExhibiting (Booth No.: B13), the company's self-developed ultra-large size 3DP sand printer3DPTEK-J4000Honored with "2024 Innovative Technologies and Products for the Global Foundry Industry".

Figure: 2024 Global Foundry Industry Innovative Technologies and Products Conference

In today's increasingly competitive globalization, the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry has become an important strategy for the economic development of all countries. Especially in the casting industry, the traditional production methods have been difficult to meet the market demand for efficient, environmentally friendly, personalized products. China's 14th Five-Year Plan points out toUsing 3D printing to digitize and green sand castingEstablishmentMore than 200 model green casting factories.. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and three other ministries jointly issued a document toPromote sand 3D printing and other advanced process technologies to achieve industrialized applications. SanDi Technology is actively promoting the industrialized scale application of 3D printing technology through its 3D printing equipment, materials and processes and other independent core technologies, empowering the foundry industry and helping it toGreening, Intelligent, High-endTransformation and upgrading.

3D Printing Technology, Inc.3D CastingThe solution realizesWhole industry chain solution from design to finished productNot onlyAutonomous control of core equipmentThe company has also developed process formulas for nearly 30 materials such as cast aluminum, cast copper, cast steel, cast iron, cast magnesium, etc., and can customize and develop the corresponding binder according to the user's needs, as well as provide process packages and on-site operation training that have been verified as successful by the downstream foundries, which can really help foundries to apply 3D printing technology to make satisfactory products.   

"SLS Coated Sand Molding Process + 3DP Resin Sand Molding Process"Combined sand mold manufacturing, can achieve complex structural components (large size, thin-walled, fine piping, etc.) of high-precision high-strength integrated casting molding, the process has been selected as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology additive manufacturing typical application scenarios.

3DP sand casting processThe company is free from opening molds, and can realize high precision and high strength integrated casting molding of large-size, thin-walled, fine piping, and complex structural parts. Short production cycle, small batch production advantage is obvious, design flexibility, can be modified in time, reduce production costs. Improve the production environment, reduce labor intensity, save labor costs, greener, smarter.

SLS wax casting processThe company is free from opening molds, and can realize high-precision and high-strength integrated precision casting molding of complex structures, thin-walled and large-sized products. Short production cycle, small batch production advantage is obvious.PMX crystalline wax fine casting processIt significantly shortens the processing cycle, reduces production costs, eliminates the need to open the mold and add support, no warping and deformation in the molding process, reduces post-processing steps, and has high molding accuracy.

Through self-built and mergers and acquisitions of foundries, SANDI Technology has opened up the "3D printing + casting" process, formed a replicable model to help traditional foundries to transform and upgrade.Foundries that have adopted 3D casting solutions have established green, intelligent, high-end casting capabilities, significantly reduced energy consumption and pollution, improved the working environment, lowered labor intensity, improved product attachment value and yield, and expanded the ability to quickly deliver R&D trial production, small-lot multi-species and complex structural metal castings. We have realized the doubling of production efficiency and capacity, and the doubling of revenue scale and gross profit margin.

3D casting solutions from SANDI Technology are expanding the new boundaries of the casting industry, and the company now has aXianyang, Shaanxi; Daiming, Hebei; Rizhao, Shandong; Tongling, Anhui; Yulin, Guangxi; Pingdingshan, HenanSix fast casting demonstration factories, the delivery capacity of these factories, to help SANDY Technology to realize "software + materials + equipment + process" independent and controllable, the whole process of operation and control, to ensure the consistency and stability of the product, to effectively protect the interests of customers, and continue to create value for customers.

Shaanxi Xianyang Xinxin CastingIntroducing 3DP sand printing process to upgrade and transform into a 3D casting green demonstration factory. Through sand casting, low-pressure casting, precision casting, metal-type casting and other professional casting processes, we provide small-lot rapid trial production of aluminum alloy, copper alloy, wear-resistant copper bushings, tin bronze, aluminum bronze, cast iron, cast steel and other castings. Widely used in aerospace, military, rail transportation, automobile, motorcycle, ship pump valve, metallurgy, electric power, engineering machinery and other fields.

The Three Emperors of Hebei in Daimyo, HebeiThere is a complete intelligent green 3D casting production line, covering liquid squeeze casting, low pressure casting, differential pressure casting, gravity casting, etc., which can provide rapid manufacturing services for small and medium batches, multi-species and complex structural metal parts, and achieve an annual output of 20,000 tons of high-end aluminum alloy parts for intelligent manufacturing.

Shuanggang Intelligence in Rizhao, ShandongIt focuses on promoting the innovative application of new-generation 3D printing technology in the automotive parts industry, and providing rapid delivery of small and medium-lot and complex structural alloy castings through 3DP sand printing, low-pressure casting, CNC machining and other composite processes; and adopting the modules of additive manufacturing technology, robotic flexible logistics system, automatic sand cleaning unit, intelligent storage unit, and intelligent casting unit, to provide one-stop intelligent casting solutions. 

The Bronze Age in Tongling, AnhuiThe company is the first in China to apply 3D printing precision casting technology to the metal sculpture casting field which relies on manual modeling, to improve efficiency and realize free design. With the domestic advanced level of investment casting, resin sand casting, plaster casting, bronze forging and all kinds of metal art processing technology, with an annual production capacity of 500 tons of bronze sculpture.

Zhongyue Casting in Yulin, GuangxiCast iron and aluminum alloy rapid casting can be realized through 3DP sand printing, based on the key corridor of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, radiating South China and ASEAN hundred-billion machinery manufacturing market, with an annual output of 2 million pieces of high-performance aluminum alloy products.

Zhonghongtong Casting in Pingdingshan, HenanSpecialized in the research and development and manufacturing of large aluminum alloy castings, is one of the leading enterprises in the high-voltage power transmission cast aluminum shell industry. We will improve product precision and production efficiency through 3D printing technology, establish one-stop service capability of "process design + 3D printing + casting + machining and testing + painting", and provide users with complex structure, small batch and multi-species, R & D trial production + batch of various types of aluminum alloy castings.

Nowadays, 3D casting solution of SANDI Technology is showing its unique application value in various fields. InAerospace3D casting technology for the manufacture of engine parts, spacecraft structural components, power units and other important components, can effectively solve the oversized, multi-dimensional surface, complex structure of the workpiece molding problems, in small quantities of large size mold manufacturing and special industry mold iterative upgrading of research and development has the advantages of the traditional manufacturing process can not be compared. InEnergy power area, 3D casting technology is applied to the manufacture of large-size pressure-resistant complex cavity structural parts, large-size thin-walled lightweight parts and so on. InAutomotiveThe 3D casting technology can realize the manufacturing of large-size thin-walled motor shells with complex spiral cooling waterways, lightweight frames, and complex internal cavity structure shell cylinder/cylinder head and other products.

The 3D casting solution of SANDI Technology, with its integration ability of the whole industry chain, personalized and efficient production mode, and green and intelligent manufacturing concept, is providing a new impetus for the transformation and upgrading of the foundry industry, and leading the foundry industry towards a more digital, intelligent and green future through continuous technological innovation and application expansion, contributing to the development of the global foundry industry with the "China Power".             

[About SANDI TECHNOLOGY(3D Printing Technology, Inc.) is a 3D printing equipment and rapid manufacturing service provider, a national specialized, special and new "small giant" enterprise, and a typical application scenario supplier of additive manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). At the same time has laser and adhesive injection 3D printing equipment and materials technology and application process, three emperor technology business covers rapid finished parts manufacturing services, 3D printing equipment development and production, 3D printing raw materials research and development and production, 3D printing process technology support services, etc., the establishment of a complete 3D printing additive manufacturing industry chain, widely used in aerospace, military, high-voltage electrics, construction machinery, ships, pumps and valves, automotive, rail transportation, and other industries, such as the automotive industry and the automotive industry, Ship pumps and valves, automobile, rail transportation, 3C electronics, education and scientific research, sculpture and cultural creation, rehabilitation and medical care and other industries.   
